So we have learned that everything we do involves multiple methods of transportation. Yesterday was no exception. We started with a 20 minute bus ride to the train station, then got on a 3.5 hour train ride to Machu Picchu, then another 20 minute bus ride up to Machu Picchu.

Anyways, the train was fabulous. There were two eating cars, then a bar car with a viewing area and open deck. The seats were either two person or four person tables....
We had brunch on the way to Machu Picchu and also some Cocao Tea with Piso! Yay! That was good! Then we had a picture taking session on the back of the train.
Here is our other sister, Michelle, with Grandad. Not really, but people keep asking her if she is one of the Williams girls.

So, after 3.5 hours we arrived at Machu Picchu. Diana, Dad, and I decided to do the 'Sun Gate' hike, which was the hardest of the three options. It was about an hour hike up the the spot where the Inca Trail ended and the travelers had the first sight of Machu Picchu. The Inca Trail was the only was for the Incas to get to Machu Picchu. It is surrounded by water and there were no other trails in. Today people come here to hike for about 3 days on the last leg of the trail and then get to Machu Picchu.
Here is Machu Picchu from the start of our hike:
Here it is once we got to the top of Sun Gate (you may have to click on it, it's to the left of me).
Important thing, there were Llamas and Chinchillas at Machu Picchu!
Machu Picchu was amazing and hard to explain. I think it is one of those places you just have to see for your self. Pictures don't do it justice. Here are a few more just as an attempt to explain what we saw:
It was beautiful and amazing and a great experience.
We are flying to Easter Island tonight, aka tomorrow morning!
sos hermosa!!!
Awesome! what a cool looking place.
thanks for the images and story
The record of your travels is wonderful! Now if I can just get the hang of how to post my comments...! Thanks, Margaret for keeping us up to date. I think I managed to put my previous comment all the way back on your first posting. Not sure how I can be so talented! Love to all, Ginny
How marvelous! We look forward to following your adventures everyday. Lots of love and have fun!
Aweome pics Margaret. I check your blog for updates each morning when I get to work.
WOW! What an adventure! Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you! We love your Blog! Thanks for sharing.
Williams Family,
Go ahead and find another place to live because America just went solid blue. Quickly becoming a third world country.
Obama, Hagan, Perdue, Dalton, Boseman, Soles
(At least Demos didn't get the 60 seat majority in the Senate)
Local: Barfield, Ted Davis, J Thompson
School Bd. Nichols, Redenbaugh, DeSheilds
With respect to the election we sincerely hope that all sharp objects, poisons and flammable objects have been hidden from Lonnie, Jr. Otherwise the dogs are fine, Sarah is doing a fine job (her Monday night party of 50 or 60 ended well before the 2:00AM agreed upon time) and all of us on East Renovah Circle hope you are having as much fun as we are.
Kidding aside, the pictures and travelogue are marvelous and a grand excuse for turning on the computer.
Bob and BJ
wow margaret! this trip looks amazing! macchu picchu is one of my top travel destinations, it looks really amazing from the pics. hope you and your family have a safe trip (and lots of fun obviously!) can't wait to see your pics from the taj mahal!
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